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About Me

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I was born in Mesa and lived in both Arizona and Utah. I attended four different high schools and moved back to Mesa my senior year. I love to travel and explore; I studied abroad in England, Scotland and France and had a blast. Music and writing drive me. I am a hard worker, when I am motivated to be. I am a passionate girl who loves people. I love friends but I also love my quiet time. Most importantly, I love to Love. I am a writer, an educator, a learner, an explorer and yes, a Mormon. I am blessed and I love my life. I am currently serving a mission for the Lord through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Italy until January of 2016.

My motto

My Motto
Love and Be Loved

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy Day

Just as I think that my dreams will go flat, just as I'm on my breaking point, just as I slack and am about to give up and think my dreams and goals might not really happen... I get this friendly little reminder that yes, I make a difference, and Heather, that difference doesn't go unnoticed. Someone really does see me! I got the invite a while back to the award program tonight and was told it was for Excellence in my Education Studies. I didn't find out what it was for until I received it tonight, and I was pleasantly surprised and grateful.

Homework is not always fun. Papers are usually not easy to write. School is difficult. Teaching is very difficult. There is never enough time in a day, a week, a month, a semester- it always flies right on by. But you know what? I Love to learn and I Love to teach! This life is all about learning and I want those around me to gain knowledge of the very best they can. I just cannot stress how important our knowledge we learn now will be to us later (think of the eternal perspective...)

Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.” -Doctrine and Covenants Section 130

I am grateful for my advisers, faculty and professors at MCC. Seriously, attending a community college has been the greatest thing for me! Opportunities to get involved, make friends, travel, learn, grow, expand my diversity, be awesome. Community colleges are intimate and personal. There are SO many opportunities and I would recommend Mesa Community College to anyone. It's a love/hate relationship at most times, but overall I have Loved it. Nothing could have better prepared for me for a university than MCC. Did I mention how much cheaper it is? Did I mention you can get scholarships (easy) and go to school with money in your pocket? Then earn even more scholarships to later transfer to a university? Well I wasn't planning on making this spiel, but there you have it.

MY POINT OF THIS POST is that I am grateful for my life! I am grateful to be a part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so excited to serve Him for 18 months. I am excited to be a teacher. I Love my family, I love my friends, I Love me! I am blessed to live in America, even Arizona. Challenge: Wake up tomorrow and think, what is good in my life today? Yesterday? In the future? Dwell on that goodness! Give thanks. Give love. You are YOU and you don't need what anybody else has. In my opinion, from my beliefs, if we all follow God's path and try to be more like our savior Jesus Christ, than we can be happy and appreciate even the worst of storms. Look at the world around you: good or bad, God has a plan for it. Life is amazing. Make the most of what you have now.