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About Me

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I was born in Mesa and lived in both Arizona and Utah. I attended four different high schools and moved back to Mesa my senior year. I love to travel and explore; I studied abroad in England, Scotland and France and had a blast. Music and writing drive me. I am a hard worker, when I am motivated to be. I am a passionate girl who loves people. I love friends but I also love my quiet time. Most importantly, I love to Love. I am a writer, an educator, a learner, an explorer and yes, a Mormon. I am blessed and I love my life. I am currently serving a mission for the Lord through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Italy until January of 2016.

My motto

My Motto
Love and Be Loved

Thursday, June 2, 2011


One thing I have learned I put out to Karen Lee (Chelsea's mom) as well as through my experiences regarding work. If you have homework, you should stay up and COMPLETE it before you ever go to bed. It should be priority. At one point in my life I do remember this being the case for me, maybe in seventh grade and early tenth grade when it actually mattered. However, "hard work" hasn't exactly been a strong teaching/learning point in my family and thus I have had to train myself to know of the importance of work and that if you don't work, you don't get anything. It's a very basic concept in which I should understand, and yet after 200 months of life it does not click in my head. Imagine that. If you had any idea the burden this is for me... well, I don't think anyone but maybe my siblings would know. But even then, they aren't the youngest as I am.
I've been thinking a lot lately. My brothers need to get married and them and my sisters need to have more kids! I love having kids around, it's miserable and lonely being the only kid at home. Even when they say "I'm going to bite you" or "you're a meany" or "I don't want to play with you" or when they are evil, rude and LOUD, they still send off a vibe of love. It's nice. And when I don't get love, where else do I go? Guys don't exactly run down the street with their heart in their hands awaiting my approval. So these are some reasons why I want to get married and why I need to have kids:
  • Babies make you joyful :)
  • A spouse can give you wonderful input and help that no one else can.
  • You get lots of cuddles, snuggles and hugs all the time!
  • You and your spouse WORK as a team, you help each other grow. 
  • It is the only way to teach someone what you know that you, yourself had never been taught.
There are at least three more really good reasons but I can't seem to explain them. Get inside my head. Or don't. It's a pretty scary place. I started writing a story about this once, I'd like to make it a book. It would be certainty exciting without a doubt. But that is a topic for another day.
Now, I must go pee and clean my teeth before I cry myself to sleep in snuggles with Mr. Teddy. I spent a lot of money today, and now I am emotionally recovering from it. Mainly from the action of going shopping. I despise it. Shopping puts me in an angry and depressed mood 2/3 times. Try to figure that out! I just plain don't like it.

1 comment:

  1. Even once youre married your guy won't come running to you with his heart on his sleeve. If you get shut that does that for you when you ate dating you'll be lucky. Marriage can be really great but don't think of it as the big thong that is going to rescue you from boredom and loneliness. You have to work hard even in marriage to not be lonely even with someone sitting right next to you. Prepare yourself for who and what you are going to be. If you crave people, find a way to have more. Volunteer somewhere, do some thing that matters tobother people, kids etc. I agree your brothers should get married and have babies and stop pouting and being babies. Sigh sigh. You'll be ok heather. You're doing great.
