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About Me

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I was born in Mesa and lived in both Arizona and Utah. I attended four different high schools and moved back to Mesa my senior year. I love to travel and explore; I studied abroad in England, Scotland and France and had a blast. Music and writing drive me. I am a hard worker, when I am motivated to be. I am a passionate girl who loves people. I love friends but I also love my quiet time. Most importantly, I love to Love. I am a writer, an educator, a learner, an explorer and yes, a Mormon. I am blessed and I love my life. I am currently serving a mission for the Lord through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Italy until January of 2016.

My motto

My Motto
Love and Be Loved

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day Three

Blue Buttons in a Bottle (For Forest)
They could go as far west or north or south as they pleased, but they could never cross the border to the east. The eastern land was strictly off limits, and Kirby would never know why. Soldiers sometimes patrolled that border to ensure that the Bears (that's what the curious upper-class citizens were called) stayed clear of it and that no body ever saw beyond. If anyone were to get close enough to see the other side, they would either die instantly from electric shock or be forced to work for the government indefinitely if caught. It was territory no Bear had dared to venture into- until late last year.
The first Blue Bear from the south to ever question if there was something on the other side of the border was Kirby Atkins, the most rich and famous man there was in the valley of L'Ours. With his corresponding guard, Forest, a Green Bear from the North, Kirby felt as if he knew all the ins and outs of the valley, except for near the east border.
Bears was a term for the upper-class with a color based on their background. Purple Bears mean royalty. Next in line after royalty are the Blue Bears, like Kirby. Blue Bears stand for knowledge and youth- the ones that people like to keep around. Purple and Blue Bears live all over, where as the other colors are classified on location. In the north live the Green and Orange Bears, to the west live the Red and Brown Bears, and the south live the Yellow and Pink Bears. White Bears are the government, if you would believe it. And lastly, Black Bears are the unspoken of. Your spine would shiver and your teeth would chatter if you were to ever encounter a Black Bear, or what some people refer to as, a Black Beast. In the entire population, only three Blacks have ever been known of to the public. They are said to have come from beyond the border, from the east.
Kirby was scheming in his mind an impossible plan when Forest interrupted him.
Kirby, the orders are here,” Forest announced. “The trucks are switching out the equipment and then we must leave as soon as possible.”
Is that an order or a suggestion?” Kirby asked.
Well, based upon the lack of events lately, I would highly consider it a suggestion.”
If the tree fits in the ground, then I guess it fits.”
Excuse me?”
Kirby stood up from his hand carved wooden desk with a chuckle and patted Forest on the back as he turned to exit his office. “You're excused,” he added before closing the door, leaving an as-usual confused twist on Forests' face.
Part Two to be added soon...


  1. I want you to know I deleted several comments that were my attempts at humor before I decided to write this. Heather I really enjoyed reading this. Your style has good flow and I'm anxious to see how this story concludes. I'm sure you could wrap it up nicely in another two or three hundred pages. :) You could probably do it faster but Forest is clearly a character worth keeping around.

  2. You've got some great ideas and metaphors worked into this plot so far and my imagination is working up all sorts of scenarios that fit in, so I'm excited to see how your plot follows through. I like your characters but I think you could eventually work to flesh them out some more. you could do some fun stuff with these bear colors, If you can come up with some sort of exciting metaphor. Also I think the immediate settings the characters are in could be helpful in understanding the scene. I'm looking forward to the rest of these selections.
