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About Me

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I was born in Mesa and lived in both Arizona and Utah. I attended four different high schools and moved back to Mesa my senior year. I love to travel and explore; I studied abroad in England, Scotland and France and had a blast. Music and writing drive me. I am a hard worker, when I am motivated to be. I am a passionate girl who loves people. I love friends but I also love my quiet time. Most importantly, I love to Love. I am a writer, an educator, a learner, an explorer and yes, a Mormon. I am blessed and I love my life. I am currently serving a mission for the Lord through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Italy until January of 2016.

My motto

My Motto
Love and Be Loved

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Elementary Math post three: Acing the Test

On my last post for math, I titled it "Probability Pains.'' That was because I was getting really frustrated with all of the numbers flying around. The odds of getting an ace in a deck of cards vs. the probability of getting an ace in a deck of cards. The ideas really are rather simple, but for some reason I had such a hard time understanding all of it! How would I have ever come out on top on my test?

As I'm sure every other student is like, I wanted to do really well on my first test. This is my second semester having my awesome teacher so I knew what to expect: explanation for every problem. (Remember, it's math for the elementary teacher.) Coincidentally (and I don't recommend this first part) I saved two math assignments to do right before class. So I said a prayer and I decided I would go sit in the Math Tutoring Center so that I could ask for sufficient help when I needed it. Let me just say that was the best decision I have ever made. Why had I never used that place before? There were three problems I was confused about and didn't quite understand, and there was one in particular that had been troubling me since day one. So I asked for help, a sometimes (not so) easy thing to do. And guess what? Two of those exact problems with different numbers were on the test. 
And I ACED that test!!! During both semesters I have never gotten a grade higher than, well, this high! A happy 98%. I am thrilled. So it was a bad idea to save my homework for the last minute. But let me tell you that there's probably a reason you are stuck on a certain problem. So ask for help. Seek for understanding and figure it out. It's that simple, really. I hope to get better at asking for help myself because, as this test proved, it pays off.

Just a lil' bit of help for you Click on Tips For Success ECE102.doc It is a download.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation on doing so well on the test! I appreciate your advice on going to the math lab because i too sometime have a hard time asking for help. Most of us think that we're the only ones that don't understand a simple concept but we usually find out that others did as well.
