On my last post for math, I titled it "Probability Pains.'' That was because I was getting really frustrated with all of the numbers flying around. The odds of getting an ace in a deck of cards vs. the probability of getting an ace in a deck of cards. The ideas really are rather simple, but for some reason I had such a hard time understanding all of it! How would I have ever come out on top on my test?

And I ACED that test!!! During both semesters I have never gotten a grade higher than, well, this high! A happy 98%. I am thrilled. So it was a bad idea to save my homework for the last minute. But let me tell you that there's probably a reason you are stuck on a certain problem. So ask for help. Seek for understanding and figure it out. It's that simple, really. I hope to get better at asking for help myself because, as this test proved, it pays off.
Just a lil' bit of help for you Click on Tips For Success ECE102.doc It is a download.
Congratulation on doing so well on the test! I appreciate your advice on going to the math lab because i too sometime have a hard time asking for help. Most of us think that we're the only ones that don't understand a simple concept but we usually find out that others did as well.